Connecting Literature and Star Wars. What could be better?



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Welcome to Tuesdays

Although I have already posted a few things on this page, I neglected to introduce myself. My name is Cesar Castellanos. I would like to welcome you to Tuesdays with Yoda. The name is an homage to one of my favorite books, Tuesdays with Morrie, and to the smartest little green dude in a galaxy far far away.
This page was created to share information and anecdotes about life, film, literature, and various other interests. My intentions when creating TWY was to give myself a place to reflect. We spend so much of our lives preparing for the next phase that we often forget to be introspective. I know that I am very guilty of this at times. I make constant lists and goals for myself. I do this to the point of giving myself panic attacks and headaches because I create a world of expectations that no one could meet.
I have learned over the years to slow down. I should have listened to Ferris Beuller's advice, but I was too young to realize what he meant. At least I have my wife to keep me in check and tell me when to calm the fuck down. A verbal splash of water to the face and I am back to normal.
This, getting back to the point, is my opportunity to reflect on a minimal scale and an opportunity to be introspective. I am not sure how much I can contribute to humanity or what I can say that hasn't already been said, but I do know that it is important to have something to share with the world that you can be proud of. Welcome to my world, wipe your feet before you enter.

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